Snetterton 13/4/13 Swinging Sixties, Qualifying

The season opener for the Swinging Sixties is traditionally held at Snetterton, this year we were on the longer (better) 300 circuit giving a lap distance of just under 3 miles. Unfortunately due to family commitments Mike wasn’t able to make this weekend so it was down to Matt and Mark in Bluebell to represent the Scruffy name!

Matt went out first and almost made a whole lap before the engine totally cut out! Fortunately he was close enough to coast into the pits where it was quickly discovered that a coil wire had come adrift. Matt went back out and completed his session before handing over to Mark who managed to finish qualifying without any further problems.

Having just completed some major work on the car and not having done a test we were treating qually as a mini test session with both drivers needing to get used to the new gearbox. Both Matt and Mark reported that the new box was a massive improvement over the MG gearbox but it was clearly going to take some time to adjust to the difference as the lap times were, if anything, slower than before and we were out qualified by several cars we would have expected to be on par with.

We were to be honest a little disappointed at finding ourselves 25th out of 33 cars on the grid with a best lap time of 2.32.26. But both the guys were now much more at home with the gear change and expected to be faster in the race.

Posted April 14th, 2013

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