New season news.

After what feels like a long winter break we are looking forward to the new race season.

The Red C is undergoing some winter ‘fettling’ mostly small improvements, the throttle linkages and exhaust have had a bit of a redesign, but we are also in the process of making a significant revision to the rear suspension, more of that when it’s complete! Due to work and family commitments Mike is unable to make the season opener at Snetterton and will have to miss a couple of races later in the year but he’s determined to do as much racing a he can and we are all looking forward to seeing him and Sue as it feels like ages since they were here last!

The Grey Whale is now a complete car and we expect to be giving it a shakedown at our secret test facility in the coming weeks, we will then stick back on all the bits that have fallen off before it goes to the rolling road to be set up properly. We expect to be introducing it to a race track soon and hope to give it an outing in the Swinging Sixties this year at some point.

Bluebell has been a bit neglected (as usual) but will be getting plenty of attention before the first race of the year. As part of the pre season work we are carrying out a major upgrade in the form of a 5 speed gearbox conversion, replacing the standard MG 4 speed with a TranX/Quaife SL72 5 speed, a much stronger box which will make quicker gear changes possible.

The Aquila will also be getting a big upgrade as we are replacing the troublesome Elite TXL250 transaxle with the Hewland NLT as fitted to current spec CR1′s. In addition we hope to change from the current manual gear shift to a paddle shift system. It’s all major (and expensive!) work but it will improve the cars drivablity and allow us to remap the engine for a a few more brake horse powers and torques.

All our brake horse powers have been tested and found to contain no traces of cow power!

Posted February 22nd, 2013

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